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m (multiline) flag, 215
Macromedia Dreamweaver, 708
Macromedia Flash, 571–573
map object, HTMLMapElement, 839
<map>, 839
markup elements. See XHTML/HTML
markup, browser detection, 539
marquee object, 839–840
mask outs, 119–120
masking script, 9–11
masks, keyboard masking, 453–454
match( ) method, String object, 185, 213–214
Math object, 180–183
constants, 181
methods, 181, 840–841
overview of, 180–182
properties, 840
random numbers, 182
special values, 52
with statements and, 182–183
MathML, 616–617
maximal matching, regular expressions, 216–217
mayscript attribute, <applet> tag, 563–564
mediatype/subtype, 565
memory hogging, browser security, 691
menu object, HTMLMenuElement, 842
<menu>, 842
menus, DHTML
application-like menus, 510–513
context menus, 520–521
overview of, 510
remote control menus, 513–515
slide-in menus, 515–518
static menus, 518–520
menus, select menus, 437–442
meta object, HTMLMetaElement, 842
<meta>, 532, 842
common to all objects, 145–146
globally available, 179
object, 59, 138
same-origin policy and, 682
Authenticode, 683
client capability detection, 549–551
COM (Component Object Model), 655
Internet Explorer. see IE (Internet Explorer)
JScript. see JScript
Script debugger, 707–709
MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension) types, 565–568
mimeType object, proprietary browser objects, 566, 568, 843
mimeTypes[ ] property, Navigator object, 566–567
minus (-) symbol, 81
modal windows, 381–383
modeless windows, 381–383
modulus (%) operator, 79
mouse events, 333–335
mouseover events, 467
moveBy( ) method, Window object, 362
moveTo( ) method, Window object, 362–363
background of, 673–674
contextual activations and, 521
CSS inline tester under, 282
debugger for, 707
document properties, 240
DOM and, 624–630
DOM document trees and, 261–262
event model compatibility, 299
MathML under, 616–617
the platform, 676–677
proprietary features, 675–676
runtime errors in, 700
security policies, 685–686
signed scripts for security, 683–684
standards support in, 674–675
SVG under, 616–617
syntax errors, 700
XML and, 629
multidimensional arrays, 172
multiline flag (m), 215
multiline matching, regular expressions, 215
multimedia, embedded objects and, 557
multiple line comments, 43
multiplication (*) operator, 79
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) types, 565–568
multithreaded applications, 588
mutation events, DOM2, 337–338

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