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Samples subdirectory, 373
sandbox, configurable, 180-84
SandboxEvidence object, 181, 182, 184
SandboxMembership Condition class, 181
SandBoxPerms permission set, 182
Save( ) method, 249, 250
scalability challenges
distributed vs. client-server systems, 5-6
Talk .NET, 107
SCM (Service Control Manager), 138
Scribble application, 391
Search class, 242, 259-63
SearchForFile( ) method, 236
searching technology
distributed searching, 18
JXTA Search, 18
real-time, 12, 18
"secret-key" encryption. See symmetric encryption
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 38, 366, 389
security, 10, 305-33. See also digital signatures; encryption
challenges of, 306-7, 306-7
cryptography, 308-13
design choices, 307-8
of file transfer feature, 107
omitting information, 43
overview, 305-6
and Remoting, 38
and Talk .NET interfaces, 74
Seek( ) method, 202
Send( ) method, 209
SendFileOffer( ) method, 101-2
sending messages, 81-82
SendMessage( ) method, 74, 81-82, 89, 95, 297
SequenceNumber, 153
serializable classes, 40, 41, 42, 43
serializable types, 41-44
<Serializable> attribute, 42
Serialize( ) method, 318, 325, 328
serializing information to data stores, 36
server database, and digital signatures, 313-15
server, in basic remoting example, 50-53
<ServerCertificate> tag, 388
Server.exe.config file, 50, 51
server-mode/client-mode (SM/CM) model, 25-26
ServerProcess class, 77, 79
and delivery service, 123-24
GetUser() method in, 98
potential problems with collection of client information, 114-15
and reader and writing locking implementation, 116
ServerProcess.AddUser( ) method, 86-87, 136
ServerProcess.RemoveUser( ) method, 130
ServerProcess.SendMessage( ) method, 108, 109, 124, 130
<serverProviders> tag, 67
Service Control Manager (SCM), 138
ServiceBase class, 138
ServiceBase.Run( ) method, 139
ServiceInstaller class, 138, 141
ServiceInstaller.StartType property, 141
ServiceProcess object, 125
ServiceProcessInstaller class, 138, 141
Services.Marshal( ) method, 296
Session class, 337-38
Sessions table, 287, 288, 289
Session.SendMessage( ) method, 343
SET ROWCOUNT statement, 236
SetAppDomainPolicy( ) method, 184
SETI@Home, 12, 16-17, 147, 186
SetPeer( ) method, 370
SHA-1 hash algorithm, 308
SHA-256 hash algorithm, 309
SHA-384 hash algorithm, 309
SHA-512 hash algorithm, 309
ShareBaby2 application, 393
shared spaces, 345
SharedFile array, 236
SharedFile class, 229
SharedFile object, 236, 263
sharing files. See file-sharing
Show system processes check box, 143
sieve of Eratosthenes, 154
SignData( ) method, 318
SignedObject class, 317-21, 323, 329-30
SignedObject constructor, 317
SingleCall objects, 46
Singleton mode, 52
Singleton objects, 38, 46-47, 78
smart caching, 9
SM/CM (server-mode/client-mode) model, 25-26
SOAP communication, 66
SOAP messages, 37, 110, 219, 371
Socket class, 200
Socket property, 202
SocketException class, 200
sockets, 198
SOCKS Protocol, 367
software load balancing, 108
Solution Explorer, 244, 245
spiders, 18
Src subdirectory, 373
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), 38, 366, 389
StartAllocateWork( ) method, 273
StartDownload( ) method, 273, 279
StartSearch( ) method, 261
StartSession( ) method, 293, 317, 322
Startup module, 77
StartUpload( ) method, 265, 269
StartWaitForRequest( ), 264
StartWaitForRequest( ) method, 265
state management, 38
stateful and stateless discovery service, 217-18
stateful model, 46
stateless server, 108
STOR command, 199
stored procedures, 226-29, 288-91
stream sockets, 198
streaming, cipher-block, 148
StringBuilder object, 173-74, 234
String.Split( ) method, 252
SubmitTask( ) method, 161
SwapperClient class, 241
Swapper.NET, 362
switchboard servers, 335
switches, 189
symmetric encryption, 309-10, 331
synchronizing collection access, 115-18
SyncLock statement, 115, 116
system tray interface, 165-67
System.Activator object, 379
System.Collections.DictionaryBase, 156
System.Diagnostics namespace, 74
System.IO namespace, 102
System.MarshalByRefObject class, 44
System.Net namespace, 199
System.Net.Dns class, 339
System.Net.Sockets class, 200
System.Net.Sockets namespace, 20, 199
System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels namespace, 69
System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels. Http namespace, 69
System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels. Tcp namespace, 69
System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging namespace, 108-9
System.Runtime.Remoting.ObjRef class, 80
System.Security.Cryptography namespace, 307, 308-9
System.Security.Cryptography.X509Ce rtificates namespace, 313
System.ServiceProcess namespace, 138
System.Threading namespace, 126
System.Threading.ReaderWriterLock class, 117
System.Threading.Thread class, 127
System.Threading.Thread object, 123
System.Thread.ThreadPool class, 128
System.Timers namespace, 133
System.Web.Mail.SmtpServer class, 301
System.Web.Services namespace, 222
System.Windows.Forms.Timer class, 133

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