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Trojan Horse Removal - Anti Trojan

An apowerful trojan Horse Removal Tool, Trojan scanner and remover which detects more than 10000 different types of trojan horses!

File Size: 5.23 MB License: Free to try OS: Win95, 98, Me, NT, 2000, XP Requirements: 32M RAM 20M free HD space

Anti-Trojan is designed for you to trojan horse removal, protect your PC from harmful attacks from the internet. It prevents you effectively from trojan horses.It is a powerful trojan horse removal tool, scanner and remover which detects more than 10000 different types of trojan horses. It allows you to scan your computer with 3 methods: 1, Port - Scan; 2, Registry - Scan; 3, Disk - Scan.

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Key Features:

Anti-Trojan 5.5 allows you to scan your computer with these methods:

Port-Scan: Here all port of the computer are checked whether a trojan is active. This port scanner checks in contrast to the online check all ports, not only well-known trojan ports. Note: There will be no trojan removed, only open ports are shown.

Registry-Scan: With this procedure the system is submitted to a high-speed check. There will be checked the system-registry an known filenames of trojans. If a trojan is identified, it will be removed.

Disk-Scan: This is the most important search method. Whole drives (or directories) are searched for trojan files. Each file is checked on the harddisk. With larger harddisks this search can last somewhat longer. As appoximate value we checked 20 GigaBytes in approx. 30 minutes (approx. 170,000 files). Anti-Trojan also checks packed archives of the following formats: ACE, ARC, ARK, ARJ, CAB, DWC, PAK, ?Q?, GZ, LBR, LHA, LZH, RAR, SFX, TAR, TAZ, TGZ, Z, ZIP, ZOO.

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