Script Categories

Calculators >>> Interest.

Use JavaScript to find out just how much that new house or car is going to cost you each month. Enter values into the fields below to find out how much each monthly payment would be with the given number of payments, interest rate, and loan amount.

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Add the below code to the <body> section of your page:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
/* Visit for full source code
and get more free JavaScript, CSS and DHTML scripts! */
<!-- Begin
function checkNumber(input, min, max, msg) {
msg = msg + " field has invalid data: " + input.value;
var str = input.value;
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
var ch = str.substring(i, i + 1)
if ((ch < "0" || "9" < ch) && ch != '.') {
return false;
var num = parseFloat(str)
if (num < min || max < num) {
alert(msg + " not in range [" + min + ".." + max + "]");
return false;
input.value = str;
return true;
function computeField(input) {
if (input.value != null && input.value.length != 0)
input.value = "" + eval(input.value);
function computeForm(form) {
if ((form.payments.value == null || form.payments.value.length == 0) ||
form.interest.value == null || form.interest.value.length == 0) ||
form.principal.value == null || form.principal.value.length == 0)) {
if (!checkNumber(form.payments, 1, 480, "# of payments") ||
checkNumber(form.interest, .001, 99, "Interest") ||
checkNumber(form.principal, 100, 10000000, "Principal")) {
form.payment.value = "Invalid";
var i = form.interest.value;
if (i > 1.0) {
i = i / 100.0;
form.interest.value = i;
i /= 12;
var pow = 1;
for (var j = 0; j < form.payments.value; j++)
pow = pow * (1 + i);
money = "" + .01* Math.round(100*(form.principal.value * pow * i) / (pow - 1));
dec = money.indexOf(".");
dollars = money.substring(0,dec);
= money.substring(dec+1,dec+3);
cents = (cents.length < 2) ? cents + "0" : cents;
money = dollars + "." + cents;
form.payment.value = money;
function clearForm(form) {
form.payments.value = "";
form.interest.value = "";
form.principal.value = "";
// done hiding from old browsers -->
<FORM method=POST>
<TABLE border>
<DIV ALIGN=CENTER>  # of<br>Payments</DIV>
<DIV ALIGN=CENTER>Interest<br>Rate</DIV>
<DIV ALIGN=CENTER> Monthly<br> Payment</DIV>
<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=payments  SIZE=5 onChange=computeField(this)>
<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=interest  SIZE=6 onChange=computeField(this)>
<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=principal SIZE=9 onChange=computeField(this)>

<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=payment   SIZE=9 onChange=computeField(this)>
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Compute"   onClick=computeForm(this.form)>
<INPUT TYPE="reset"  VALUE="Reset"     onClick=clearForm(this.form)>
<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=payments  SIZE=5 onChange=computeField(this)>
<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=interest  SIZE=6 onChange=computeField(this)>
<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=principal SIZE=9 onChange=computeField(this)>

<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=payment   SIZE=9 onChange=computeField(this)>
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Compute"   onClick=computeForm(this.form)>
<INPUT TYPE="reset"  VALUE="Reset"     onClick=clearForm(this.form)>
<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=payments  SIZE=5 onChange=computeField(this)>
<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=interest  SIZE=6 onChange=computeField(this)>
<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=principal SIZE=9 onChange=computeField(this)>
<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=payment   SIZE=9 onChange=computeField(this)>
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Compute"   onClick=computeForm(this.form)>
<INPUT TYPE="reset"  VALUE="Reset"     onClick=clearForm(this.form)>

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