Script Categories

Calculators >>> Top Speed Rpm.

Enter the diameter of the tire and the RPM value of the motor and the script will tell you the top speed without any weight on the Tires.

Diameter of Tire (in Inches)
RPM Value
Top Speed with no Weight

Add the below code to the <body> section of your page:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
/* Visit for full source code
and get more free JavaScript, CSS and DHTML scripts! */
<!-- Begin
function calculate() {
var pi = 3.14159265359;
var radius = document.rpmForm.diameter.value / 2;
var circ = 2 * pi * radius;
var totlength = circ * .00001578;
var totrpm = document.rpmForm.rpm.value * 60;
var total = totrpm * totlength;
document.rpmForm.topSpeed.value = total;
//  End -->
<form name="rpmForm">
<table border=0>
Diameter of Tire (in Inches)
<input type=text name=diameter value=18>
RPM Value
<input type=text name=rpm value=2000>
<input type=button value="Calculate Top Speed" onClick="calculate()">
Top Speed with no Weight
<input type=text name=topSpeed>

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