<SCRIPTLANGUAGE="JavaScript"> /* Visit http://www.yaldex.com/
for full source code
and get more free JavaScript, CSS and DHTML scripts! */
<!-- Original: Adremover (adremover@portalen.no) -->
<!-- Web Site: http://adremover.vr9.com/ -->
<!-- Begin
// NB! You must manually change the value
// of the following adlink variable!
// Unique part of the ad link(s), i.e.,
// if the ad-link is www.myadvertiser.com,
// you can use "myadvertiser":
// var
this text!"; //
// Time in seconds until the ads come back
// (default 24 hours):
// var
// Do not change anything in the
code below: var
showads =1; function
adMessage(adcode){ if(document.cookie==""){ document.write(adcode);
}else{ var
the_cookie =document.cookie; the_cookie =unescape(the_cookie); the_cookie_split =
the_cookie.split(";"); for(loop=0;loop<the_cookie_split.length;loop++){ var
part_of_split =
the_cookie_split[loop]; var
find_name =
part_of_split.indexOf("ad"); if(find_name!=-1){ break; }
} if(find_name==-1){ document.write(adcode);
}else{ var
ad_split =
part_of_split.split("="); var
last =
ad_split[1]; if(last!=0){ document.write(adcode);
}else{ showads=0; } } }
} function
writeCookie(show){ var
today =newDate(); var
the_date =newDate(); the_date.setTime(today.getTime()+1000*
timeout); var
the_cookie_date =
the_date.toGMTString(); var
the_cookie ="ad="+show; var
the_cookie =
the_cookie +";expires="+
the_cookie_date; document.cookie=
the_cookie; location.reload(true);
} function
handleClick(evnt){ var
targetstring =newString(evnt.target); if(targetstring.search(adlink)!=-1){ writeCookie(0);
} routeEvent(evnt); returntrue;
} if(window.Event){ window.captureEvents(Event.CLICK);
} window.onClick
handleClick; adMessage(''); // End --> </script> <center>
<spanonClick="writeCookie(0)"> <scriptlanguage="javascript"> <!-- adMessage('<a
href="http://yaldex.com/JSFactory_Pro.htm" target="_blank">Example
Ad</a>'); // --> </script> </span>
<br> <scriptlanguage="javascript"TYPE="text/javascript"> if(showads){ document.write("Remove
the ad by clicking it.")
} </script> <!-- Optional To Show Ads Again --> <scriptlanguage="javascript"TYPE="text/javascript"> if(!showads){ document.write("<form><input
type=button value='Ads back' onClick=writeCookie(1)><\/form>")
} </script> </center>