Script Categories

Forms >>> Word Counter.

This is a handy script that counts the words (or characters) entered into a textarea and limits it to 100 words or less (this can be changed).

In 100 words or less, why do you (or would you) like living on the coast?*
Words remaining:

In 100 characters or less, why do you (or would you) like living on the coast?*
Characters remaining:

Add the below code to the <body> section of your page:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
/* Visit for full source code
and get more free JavaScript, CSS and DHTML scripts! */
<!-- Begin
   var submitcount=0;
   function checkSubmit() {

      if (submitcount == 0)

function wordCounter(field, countfield, maxlimit) {
for (x=0;x<field.value.length;x++) {
      if (field.value.charAt(x) == " " && field.value.charAt(x-1) != " ")  {wordcounter++}  // Counts the spaces while ignoring double spaces, usually one in between each word.
      if (wordcounter > 250) {field.value = field.value.substring(0, x);}
      else {countfield.value = maxlimit - wordcounter;}

function textCounter(field, countfield, maxlimit) {
  if (field.value.length > maxlimit)
      {field.value = field.value.substring(0, maxlimit);}
      {countfield.value = maxlimit - field.value.length;}
//  End -->
<font color="000000" size="2" face="verdana, helvetica, arial">In 100 <b>words</b> or less, why do you (or would you) like living on the coast?</font><font color="ff0000" size="2" face="verdana, helvetica, arial">*</font>
<td valign="top"><textarea name="Q3367" cols="40" rows="5" wrap="hard" onKeyDown="wordCounter(this.form.Q3367,this.form.remLen,100);" onKeyUp="wordCounter(this.form.Q3367,this.form.remLen,100);"></textarea>
<br>Words remaining: <input type=box readonly name=remLen size=3 value=100></td></tr>

colspan=2><hr width=80%></td></tr>

<font color="000000" size="2" face="verdana, helvetica, arial">In 100 <b>characters</b> or less, why do you (or would you) like living on the coast?</font><font color="ff0000" size="2" face="verdana, helvetica, arial">*</font>
<td valign="top">
<textarea name="Q336" cols="40" rows="5" wrap="hard" onKeyDown="textCounter(this.form.Q336,this.form.remLentext,100);" onKeyUp="textCounter(this.form.Q336,this.form.remLentext,100);"></textarea>
<br>Characters remaining: <input type=box readonly name=remLentext size=3 value=100>

<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Submit" onclick='' name=submit1>
TYPE="reset" VALUE="Reset" id=reset1 name=reset1>

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