Script Categories

Graphic >>> Random Image Rotator.

Rotates a series of images on the page every few seconds. The images can easily be changed, and the script can be modified to rotate the images randomly or in order.

Step 1: Add the below code to the <body> section of your page:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
/* Visit for full source code
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<!-- Begin
var interval = 1.5; // delay between rotating images (in seconds)
var random_display = 1; // 0 = no, 1 = yes
interval *= 1000;

var image_index = 0;
image_list = new Array();
image_list[image_index++] = new imageItem("toad.jpg");
image_list[image_index++] = new imageItem("chameleon.jpg");
image_list[image_index++] = new imageItem("lizard.jpg");
image_list[image_index++] = new imageItem("gecko.jpg");
var number_of_image = image_list.length;
function imageItem(image_location) {
this.image_item = new Image();
this.image_item.src = image_location;
function get_ImageItemLocation(imageObj) {
function generate(x, y) {
var range = y - x + 1;
return Math.floor(Math.random() * range) + x;
function getNextImage() {
if (random_display) {
image_index = generate(0, number_of_image-1);
else {
image_index = (image_index+1) % number_of_image;
var new_image = get_ImageItemLocation(image_list[image_index]);
function rotateImage(place) {
var new_image = getNextImage();
document[place].src = new_image;
var recur_call = "rotateImage('"+place+"')";
setTimeout(recur_call, interval);
function Go()
//  End -->
<img name="rImage" src="toad.jpg" width=330 height=190>

Step 2: The script uses 4 images as part of its interface. You can create your own, or use the 4 below (resized for easier download):

(right click images, and select "Save Image As")
Upload them into the same directory as your webpage.

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