Script Categories

Menus and Navigation >>> Expanding Window.

Opens a small window then expands it vertically and horizontally to fill the screen with the new web page.

Open a directory on your drive!

Add the below code to the <body> section of your page:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">      
/* Visit for full source code
and get more free JavaScript, CSS and DHTML scripts! */
<!-- Begin
function expandingWindow(website) {
var heightspeed = 2; // vertical scrolling speed (higher = slower)
var widthspeed = 7;  // horizontal scrolling speed (higher = slower)
var leftdist = 0;    // distance to left edge of window
var topdist = 0;     // distance to top edge of window
var winwidth = window.screen.availWidth - leftdist;
var winheight = window.screen.availHeight - topdist;
var sizer ="","","left=" + leftdist + ",top=" + topdist + ",width=1,height=1,scrollbars=yes");
for (sizeheight = 1; sizeheight < winheight; sizeheight += heightspeed) {
sizer.resizeTo("1", sizeheight);
for (sizewidth = 1; sizewidth < winwidth; sizewidth += widthspeed) {
sizer.resizeTo(sizewidth, sizeheight);
sizer.location = website;
//  End -->
<a href="../" onClick="expandingWindow('../');return false;">Open a directory on your drive!</a>

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