Dynamic navigation menu using a mouseOver of main categories to dynamically generate buttons with appropriate labels and links. This script avoids special rollover graphics, and gets around the limitations of Netscape style sheets.
<scriptlanguage="javascript"type="text/javascript"> /* Visit http://www.yaldex.com/
for full source code
and get more free JavaScript, CSS and DHTML scripts! */
<!-- Begin
// Initiate a new array containing all the navigation hyperlinks that
loads on startup
// The 'htm' extension for the link is added by the script
//initialize the variables for indexing data x=1;//initialize the first variable y=5;//initialize the variable used
to reset the buttons on mouse out linx =newArray() linx[1]=newArray();//First set of links for the top
level category linx[1][1]="link1"; linx[1][2]="link2"; linx[1][3]="link3"; linx[1][4]="link4"; linx[1][5]="link5";
linx[2]=newArray();//Second set of Links for next
top level cateogry linx[2][1]="linkA"; linx[2][2]="linkB"; linx[2][3]="linkC"; linx[2][4]="linkD"; linx[2][5]="linkE";
linx[3]=newArray();//Third set of Links for the
last top level cateogry linx[3][1]="linkZ"; linx[3][2]="linkY"; linx[3][3]="linkX"; linx[3][4]="linkW"; linx[3][5]="linkV";
//This is the function populates
the first set of buttons ... function
rollover1(){ document.menu.nav1.value="Link 1"; document.menu.nav2.value="Link 2"; document.menu.nav3.value="Link 3"; document.menu.nav4.value="Link 4"; document.menu.nav5.value="Link 5"; document.menu.dummy.value=1; x=document.menu.dummy.value; return(x);
} //Function populates the second
set of buttons ... function
rollover2(){ document.menu.nav1.value="Link A"; document.menu.nav2.value="Link B"; document.menu.nav3.value="Link C"; document.menu.nav4.value="Link D"; document.menu.nav5.value="Link E"; document.menu.dummy.value=2; x=document.menu.dummy.value; return(x);
} //Function populates the third
set of buttons ... function
rollover3(){ document.menu.nav1.value="Link Z"; document.menu.nav2.value="Link Y"; document.menu.nav3.value="Link X"; document.menu.nav4.value="Link W"; document.menu.nav5.value="Link V"; document.menu.dummy.value=3; x=document.menu.dummy.value; return(x);
//This sends function
go2url(hlink){ // set temporary variable temp1
to the value of the dummy hidden field var
temp1 =document.menu.dummy.value; // set the temporary variable
temp2 to link array var
temp2 =(linx[temp1][hlink]); // Construct the url for the
link to point to window.location="http://www.yourdomain.com/"+temp2+".htm";
//If there are no lower tier
navigation buttons, this function closes the buttons as the mouse moves
off the prevoius link to this. function
rollout(){ // for(var
j++){ document.menu.elements[j].value=" "; }
} // End --> </script> <!--- Note first 2 links do not have
dynamic buttons ---> <AHREF="test1.htm"onMouseOver="rollover1()">Category
1</A> | <AHREF="test2.htm"onMouseOver="rollover2()">Category
2</A> | <AHREF="test3.htm"onMouseOver="rollover3()">Category
3</A> | <AHREF="test4.htm"onMouseOver="rollout()">Category
4</A> <FORMNAME="menu"> <!--- the blanks used in the value
cater for Netscape that otherwise truncates the labels ---> <INPUTTYPE="button"name="nav1"value="
"onClick="go2url(5)"> <!--- this dummy element stores the
link structure ---> <INPUTTYPE="hidden"name="dummy"value=""size="3">