Script Categories

Messages >>> Random Jokes.

Ask your visitors a random joke or question from an array of questions. When they put their cursor over the question, a layer or alert message will appear with the answer.

Put the cursor over the question to get the answer.

Add the below code to the <body> section of your page:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">      
/* Visit for full source code
and get more free JavaScript, CSS and DHTML scripts! */
var QA = new Array();
QA[0] = new Array("When is everything finished?", "Everything is finished when the fat lady sings");
QA[1] = new Array("Who invented copper wire?", "Two tax attorneys fighting over a penny!");
QA[2] = new Array("How do you know you have a good tax accountant?", "They have have a loophole named after them.");
QA[3] = new Array("Who said.. If you do not think every day is a good one, just try missing one", "Zig Ziglar");
QA[4] = new Array("Confusius say...  ", "Ambition without knowledge is like a boat on dry land.");

var ql = QA.length - 1;
var qx = Math.round(Math.random() * ql);
if (qx < 0) { qx = 0; };
x = QA[qx][0], y = QA[qx][1];
var isNav = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") != -1);
var Ypos = 0;
function setupDescriptions() {
var x = navigator.appVersion;
y = x.substring(0,4);
if (y >= 4) setVariables();
var x, y, a, b;
function setVariables() {
if (navigator.appName == "Netscape") {
h=".left="; v=".top="; dS="document."; sD="";
else {
h=".pixelLeft="; v=".pixelTop="; dS=""; sD=".style";
function popLayer(a) {
desc = "<table cellpadding=3 border=1 bgcolor=F7F7F7><td>" + a + "</td></table>";
if(isNav) {
document.q1.left = x+25; = y+40;
else {
y = Ypos - 15;
q1.innerHTML = desc;
function hideLayer(a) {
if(isNav) {
eval( = a);
else q1.innerHTML = "";
function doQuestion() {
var text;
if (!isNav) {
text = "<div id=\"q1\" style=\"position:absolute; "
+ "visibility:show; left:25px; top:-50px; z-index:2\">layer "
+ "hidden off the screen</div><br><a nohref "
+ "onMouseover=\"popLayer('" + y + "')\" "
+ "onMouseout=\"hideLayer(-50)\"><font size=+1 "
+ "color=\"black\"><b>" + x + "</b></font></a><br>";
if(isNav) {
text = "<br><a href onmouseover=\"alert('" + y + "!');return "
+ "true\" onmouseout=\"status=' '\"><font size=+1 "
+ "color=\"black\"><b>" + x + "</b></font></a><br>";
function handlerMM(e) {
x = (isNav) ? e.pageX : event.clientX;
y = (isNav) ? e.pageY : event.clientY;
if (!isNav) { Ypos = window.event.y + document.body.scrollTop; }
if (isNav) {
document.onmousemove = handlerMM;

Put the cursor over the question to get the answer.

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