<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
/* Visit http://www.yaldex.com/for full source code
and get more free JavaScript, CSS and DHTML scripts! */
<!-- Begin
Yahoo = "http://search.yahoo.com/bin/search?p=";
Alta = "http://www.altavista.digital.com/cgi-bin/query?pg=q&what=web&q=";
Direct = "http://www.directhit.com/fcgi-bin/DirectHitWeb.fcg?alias=websrch&qry=";
Lycos = "http://www.lycos.com/cgi-bin/pursuit?query=";
Crawler = "http://www.webcrawler.com/cgi-bin/WebQuery?searchText=";
GoCom = "http://www.go.com/Titles?col=WW&svx=home_searchbox&sv=IS&lk=noframes&qt=";
DejaNews = "http://www.deja.com/products/search/search.xp?PVW=&QRY=";
Google = "http://www.google.com/search?q=";
Go2Net =
SearchCom =
Mamma = "http://www.mamma.com/Mamma?p1=1&timeout=4&qtype=0&query=";
DogPile =
Excite = "http://www.excite.com/search.gw?searchType=Concept&search=";
DMOZ = "http://search.dmoz.org/cgi-bin/search?search=";
Snap =
Galaxy = "http://www.einet.net/cgi-bin/wais-text-multi?keywords=";
var got = 0;
var url = "";
var plus = "";
var mag = "";
function search4( item )
resultsWindow = window.open();
resultsWindow.document.write( "<head><title>Close this window "
+ "to return to Search Page</title></head>"
+ "<FRAMESET ROWS=50%,50%><FRAMESET COLS=50%,50%>"
+ "<FRAME NAME='frame0' SRC='" + computeFrameSrc(0) + "'>"
+ "<FRAME NAME='frame1' SRC='" + computeFrameSrc(1) + "'>"
+ "</FRAMESET><FRAMESET COLS=50%,50%><FRAME NAME='frame2' "
+ "SRC='" + computeFrameSrc(2) + "'><FRAME NAME='frame3' "
+ "SRC='" + computeFrameSrc(3) + "'></FRAMESET></FRAMESET>" );
got = 0;
// ---------------------------------------
function search2( item )
resultsWindow = window.open();
resultsWindow.document.write( "<head><title>Close this window "
+ "to return to Total search</title></head><FRAMESET ROWS=50%,50%>"
+ "<FRAME NAME='frame0' SRC='" + computeFrameSrc(0) + "'><FRAME "
+ "NAME='frame1' SRC='" + computeFrameSrc(1) + "'></FRAMESET>" );
got = 0;
// ---------------------------------------
function stringPlus()
for ( var j = 0; j < window.document.choose4.text.value.length; j ++ )
if ( window.document.choose4.text.value.charAt( j ) == " " )
mag += "+";
else mag += window.document.choose4.text.value.charAt( j );
// ---------------------------------------
function numChecked( item )
plus = escape( item.text.value );
var h = 0;
num = 0;
for ( var l = 0; l < item.check1.length; l ++ )
if ( item.check1[l].checked )
h ++ ;
if ( h ++ <= 4 )
if ( l == "0" )
num = 1;
else if ( l == "1" ) num = 2;
else if ( l == "2" ) num = 3;
else if ( l == "3" ) num = 4;
else if ( l == "4" ) num = 5;
else if ( l == "5" ) num = 6;
else if ( l == "6" ) num = 7;
else if ( l == "7" ) num = 8;
else if ( l == "8" ) num = 9;
else if ( l == "9" ) num = 10;
else if ( l == "10" ) num = 11;
else if ( l == "11" ) num = 12;
else if ( l == "12" ) num = 13;
else if ( l == "13" ) num = 14;
else if ( l == "14" ) num = 15;
if ( h == 2 )
Results( num - 1 );
else if ( h == 4 )
search2( item );
search4( item );
// ---------------------------------------
function computeFrameSrc( num )
var k = - 1;
for ( var j = got; j < document.choose4.check1.length; j ++ )
if ( document.choose4.check1[j].checked )
k ++ ;
if ( k ++ <= num )
if ( j == "0" )
url = Yahoo + plus;
got = 1;
else if ( j == "1" )
url = DMOZ + plus;
got = 2;
else if ( j == "2" )
url = Snap + plus;
got = 3;
else if ( j == "3" )
url = Alta + plus + "&mode=and";
got = 4;
else if ( j == "4" )
url = Direct + plus;
got = 5;
else if ( j == "5" )
url = Lycos + plus + "&backlink=217&maxhits=25";
got = 6;
else if ( j == "6" )
url = Excite + plus +
got = 7;
else if ( j == "7" )
url = Crawler + plus + "&maxHits=25";
got = 8;
else if ( j == "8" )
url = GoCom + plus;
got = 9;
else if ( j == "9" )
url = DejaNews + plus + "&defaultOp=AND&svcclass=dncurrent&maxhits=25";
got = 10;
else if ( j == "10" )
url = Google + plus;
got = 11;
else if ( j == "11" )
url = Go2Net + plus;
got = 12;
else if ( j == "12" )
url = SearchCom + plus;
got = 13;
else if ( j == "13" )
url = Mamma + plus;
got = 14;
else if ( j == "14" )
url = DogPile + plus;
got = 15;
return url;
url = "javascript:void(0)";
return url;
// ---------------------------------------
function Results( place )
resultsWin = window.open( "", "results" );
if ( place == "0" )
url = Yahoo + plus;
else if ( place == "1" )
url = DMOZ + plus;
else if ( place == "2" )
url = Snap + plus;
else if ( place == "3" )
url = Alta + plus + "&mode=and";
else if ( place == "4" )
url = Direct + plus + "&mode=and";
else if ( place == "5" )
url = Lycos + plus + "&backlink=217&maxhits=25";
else if ( place == "6" )
url = Excite + plus +
else if ( place == "7" )
url = Crawler + plus + "&maxHits=25";
else if ( place == "8" )
url = GoCom + plus;
else if ( place == "9" )
url = DejaNews + plus + "&defaultOp=AND&svcclass=dncurrent&maxhits=25";
else if ( place == "10" )
url = Google + plus + "&hits=25&disp=Text+Only";
else if ( place == "11" )
url = Go2Net + plus;
else if ( place == "12" )
url = SearchCom + plus;
else if ( place == "13" )
url = Mamma + plus;
else if ( place == "14" )
url = DogPile + plus;
resultsWin.location = url;
// ---------------------------------------
// End -->
<b>JavaScript Search</b><br>
This script will run the same search across <br>
4 of the major search engines at one time.
<form name="choose4" action="javascript:numChecked(document.choose4)
<input type="checkbox" name="check1" value="Yahoo"
<input type="checkbox" name="check1" value="DMOZ"
<input type="checkbox" name="check1" value="Snap"
<td width="15"></td>
<td><b>Search Engines</b><br>
<input type="checkbox" name="check1" value="Alta"
onClick="choose4.check1.value='Alta'">Alta Vista<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="check1" value="Direct"
onClick="choose4.check1.value='Direct'">Direct Hit<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="check1" value="Lycos"
<input type="checkbox" name="check1" value="Excite"
<td><br><input type="checkbox" name="check1" value="Crawler"
<input type="checkbox" name="check1" value="Go.com"
<input type="checkbox" name="check1" value="DejaNews"
<input type="checkbox" name="check1" value="Google"
onClick="choose4.check1.value='Google'">Google<br> </td>
<td width="15"></td>
<td><b>Meta Searches</b><br>
<input type="checkbox" name="check1" value="Go2Net"
<input type="checkbox" name="check1" value="SearchCom"
<input type="checkbox" name="check1" value="Mamma"
<input type="checkbox" name="check1" value="DogPile"
<B>Enter text to find</B>:<BR>
<input type="text" name="text" size=30>
<input type="submit" name="send" value="Search">