The DOM Browser is a visual, interactive representation of the DOM (Document Object Model). It's helpful to beginners learning to interact with the DOM in JavaScript. It's also a great tool for side-by-side comparisons of Netscape, Internet Explorer, and other browsers and how they interpret the document and its elements.
Add the below code to the <body> section of your page:
<scriptlanguage="javascript"type="text/javascript"> /* Visit
for full source code
and get more free JavaScript, CSS and DHTML scripts! */
<!-- Original: Cyanide_7 ( -->
<!-- Web Site: -->
<!-- Begin var
objects =newArray(),
browser =null,
expanded =null;
// begin objects array with the
document objects[0]=newArray(document,"_document",false);
openDOMBrowser(activeElement){ // finds index of incoming
object by its key activeIndex =
arrayIndexOf(objects,activeElement,1); // toggles its expanded boolean objects[activeIndex][2]=!objects[activeIndex][2]; // opens/reopens the window args =
"width=500,height=600,left=20,top=20,scrollbars,resizable,top=0,left=0"; browser'',"DOMBrowser",args); browser.focus(); // clears the expanded array (to
avoid infinate loops in the DOM) expanded =newArray(); // document is about to be
expanded expanded["_document"]=true; // writes HTML to the window"text/html","replace"); browser.document.writeln("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>DOM
Browser</TITLE></HEAD>"); browser.document.writeln("<BODY
BGCOLOR=BBBBBB link=FFFFF vlink=FFFFF>"); browser.document.writeln("<h3>document:</h3><ul>"); // calls recurrsive property
writing function getProps(document); // finishes writing HTML and
closes browser.document.writeln("</ul></BODY></HTML>"); browser.document.close(); // returns false for event
handlers returnfalse;
} // recurrsive function to get
properties of objects function
getProps(obj){ // for loop to run through
properties of incoming object for(var
prop in
obj){ browser.document.writeln("<li>"); // if the property is an object
itself, but not null... if(typeof(obj[prop])=="object"&&
obj[prop]!=null){ // get index of object in
objects array valIndex =
obj[prop],0); // if not in index array, add it
and create its key if(valIndex==-1){ valIndex =
objects.length; key =((newDate()).getTime()%10000)+"_"+(Math.floor(Math.random()*10000)); objects[valIndex]=newArray(obj[prop],
} // write link for this object to
call openDOMBrowser with its key browser.document.writeln("<b>"+prop+ "</b> : <a
href=\"javascript:void(0)\" onClick=\"window.opener.openDOMBrowser('"+ objects[valIndex][1]+"');return
false;\">"+(newString(obj[prop])).replace(/</g,"<")+"</a>"); // determine whether object
should be expanded/was already expanded if(objects[valIndex][2]&&!expanded[objects[valIndex][1]]){ // if it needs to be expanded,
add to expanded array expanded[objects[valIndex][1]]=true; // write nested list tag and
recurrsive call to getProps browser.document.writeln("<ul>"); getProps(obj[prop]); browser.document.writeln("</ul>"); }
}else // if not an object, just write
property, value pair browser.document.writeln("<b>"+prop+"</b>
: "+(newString(obj[prop])).replace(/</g,"<")); browser.document.writeln("</li>"); }
} // function to find object in an
array by field value function
field){ var
found =false; varindex=0; while(!found
array.length){ // field may be object reference
or key if(array[index][field]==value) found =true; else index++;
} return(found)?index:-1;
} // End --> </script> <form>
DOM Browser"onClick="openDOMBrowser('_document');">