Script Categories

Page Details >>> Menu Branding.

Keeps logo (or text) in the bottom right corner of the browser window as they scroll the page up and down. The logo glides very smoothly when the page is scrolled and looks great. When their cursor is on the logo, a menu appears in its place offering links to different sections of the site. The menu returns to the logo a few seconds after the move the cursor off the menu.

Add the below code to the <body> section of your page:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">      
/* Visit for full source code
and get more free JavaScript, CSS and DHTML scripts! */
<!-- Begin
function setVariables() {
if (!document.all) {
v = ".top=";
h = ".left=";
dS = "document.getElementById('";
sD = "').style";
y = "window.pageYOffset";
x = "window.pageXOffset";
iW = "window.innerWidth";
iH = "window.innerHeight";

else {
h = ".pixelLeft=";
v = ".pixelTop=";
dS = "document.getElementById('";
sD = "').style";
y = "document.body.scrollTop";
x = "document.body.scrollLeft";
iW = "document.body.clientWidth";
iH = "document.body.clientHeight";
xyz = 500;
innerX = eval(iW) - 115;
innerY = eval(iH) - 110;
object = "logo";
movex = 0;
movey = 0;
xdiff = 0;
ydiff = 0;
ystart = 0;
xstart = 0;

function checkLocation() {
yy = eval(y);
xx = eval(x);
ydiff = ystart - yy;
xdiff = xstart - xx;
if ((ydiff < (-1)) || (ydiff > (1))) movey = Math.round(ydiff / 10), ystart -= movey;
if ((xdiff < (-1)) || (xdiff > (1))) movex = Math.round(xdiff / 10), xstart -= movex;
eval(dS + object + sD + v + (ystart + innerY));
eval(dS + object + sD + h + (xstart + innerX));
setTimeout("checkLocation()", 10);

function checkLocationA() {
ystart = eval(y);

function switchLogo(abc) {
if (abc == "menu") {
eval(dS + object + sD + v + 0);
eval(dS + object + sD + h + (-200));
object = abc;
else xyz = setTimeout("delayLogo()", 2000)

function delayLogo() {
eval(dS + object + sD + v + 0);
eval(dS + object + sD + h + (-200));
object = 'logo';
function Go()
window.onload = Go;
//  End -->
<div id="logo" style="position:absolute; visibility:show; left:0px; top:-200px; z-index:2">
<table border=0 cellspacing=10 cellpadding=0 width=100>
<A href="javascript:void(0)"; onmouseover="switchLogo('menu')">
div id="menu" style="position:absolute; visibility:show; left:0px; top:-200px; z-index:2">
<table border=0 cellspacing=10 cellpadding=0 width=100>
<a href=""; onmouseover="clearTimeout(xyz)"; onmouseout="switchLogo('logo')">Page One</a>
<a href=""; onmouseover="clearTimeout(xyz)"; onmouseout="switchLogo('logo')">Page Two</a>
<a href=""; onmouseover="clearTimeout(xyz)"; onmouseout="switchLogo('logo')">Page Three</a>

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