Script Categories

Page Details >>> Resolutions Test.

Shows how a page will look at different screen resolutions. It includes the 3 most common resolutions as well as inputs for custom window sizes. It even gives you the exact inner document dimensions for precision testing!


Width: Height:

Add the below code to the <body> section of your page:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">      
/* Visit for full source code
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<!-- Begin
var testWin;
function resTest(w,h) {
frm = document.Test;
urlF = frm.testURL.value;
if(urlF == "" || urlF == "http://") {
alert('Please enter a URL');
return false;
if(w == null) {
w = frm.customw.value;
if(w == "" || !Number(w) || w < 100) {
alert('Please enter a valid Width');
frm.customw.value = "";
return false;
if(h == null) {
h = frm.customh.value;
if(h == "" || !Number(h) || h < 100) {
alert('Please enter a valid Height');
frm.customh.value = "";
return false;
properties  = "width=" + w;
properties += ",height=" + h;
properties += ",scrollbars=1,toolbar=1,location=1";
properties += ",directories=1,status=1,menubar=1";
properties += ",resizable=1,left=0,top=0";
if(testWin && !testWin.closed) {
testWin =,"TestRes",properties);
if(navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") != -1) {
testWin.outerWidth = w;
testWin.outerHeight = h;
frm.innerDim.value  = "Test Resolution: " + w + "x" + h + "\n";
if(navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") != -1) {
frm.innerDim.value += "Window Inner Width: " + testWin.innerWidth + "\n";
frm.innerDim.value += "Window Inner Height: " + testWin.innerHeight + "\n\n";
else {
frm.innerDim.value += "IE does not allow access to the window properties of ";
frm.innerDim.value += "pages on a different domain. Below are some general ";
frm.innerDim.value += "inner dimensions:\n\n";
frm.innerDim.value += "window      document\n";
frm.innerDim.value += "640x480  -> 615x314\n";
frm.innerDim.value += "800x600  -> 775x434\n";
frm.innerDim.value += "1024x768 -> 999x602\n\n";
frm.innerDim.value += "For a custom resolution, you\'ll need to get a ";
frm.innerDim.value += "screen grab of the new window, paste it to your ";
frm.innerDim.value += "favorite graphics program, then measuer the size ";
frm.innerDim.value += "of the content area.\n\n";
frm.innerDim.value += "To ensure that you\'ve tested properly, be sure ";
frm.innerDim.value += "to make all your toolbars and window chrome viewable. ";
frm.innerDim.value += "Be sure to test with both major browsers (IE and Netscape), ";
frm.innerDim.value += "as each one will have different inner document dimensions!";
//  End -->
<form name="Test">
URL: <input type=text name="testURL" SIZE="25" value="http://">
Width: <input type=text name="customw" SIZE="4">
Height: <input type=text name="customh" SIZE="4">
type=button value="Test" onClick="resTest()">
<input type=button value="640 x 480" onClick="resTest('640','480')">
type=button value="800 x 600" onClick="resTest('800','600')">
type=button value="1024 x 768" onClick="resTest('1024','768')">
<TEXTAREA NAME="innerDim" rows="10" cols="40" wrap="physical">The test window inner dimensions will be displayed here.</TEXTAREA>

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