Script Categories

Password Protect >>> Virgenere Encryption.

A fine example of the classic virgenere script and is nearly impossible to decode, even when using frequency analysis. This script is also entertaining since you can actually see the encryption taking place.

Code Phrase:

Add the below code to the <body> section of your page:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
/* Visit for full source code
and get more free JavaScript, CSS and DHTML scripts! */
<!-- Begin
var TID = 0;
var longer = 0;
var thirdwrite = "";
var alphabet = new Array("0@","1#","2$","3%","4^","5&","6*","7 = ","8-","9+","Aa","Bb","Cc","Dd","Ee","Ff","Gg","Hh","Ii","Jj","Kk","Ll","Mm","Nn","Oo","Pp","Qq","Rr","Ss","Tt","Uu","Vv","Ww","Xx","Yy","Zz");
function preTime(coco, uinput, question) {
longer = coco.length - 1;
placement = 0;
ref = 0 ;
secondWrite = "";
firstWrite = "";
thirdWrite = "";
code1(coco, uinput, longer, question);
function findshift(letter) {
for (i = 0; i < 36; i++) {
if ((alphabet[i].substring(0,1) == letter) || (alphabet[i].substring(1,2) == letter)) {
if (alphabet[i].substring(0,1) == letter) {
x = 0;
if (alphabet[i].substring(1,2) == letter) {
x = 1;
return i;
function check(letter) {
bill = "no";
for (i = 0; i < 36; i++) {
if ((alphabet[i].substring(0,1) == letter) || (alphabet[i].substring(1,2) == letter)) {
bill = "yes";
if (bill == "yes") {
return true;
else {
return false;
function fixoffset(takin) {
if (takin > 35) {
return (takin - 36);
else {
return takin;
function code1(inval1,inval2,inval3,sage) {
if (check(inval2.charAt(placement))) {
if (check(inval1.charAt(ref))) {
if (sage == 0) {
shift = findshift(inval1.charAt(ref));
if (sage == 1) {
shift = 36 - findshift(inval1.charAt(ref));
else {
shift = 0;
orig = findshift(inval2.charAt(placement));
firstWrite = firstWrite+alphabet[fixoffset(orig+shift)].charAt(x);
else {
firstWrite = firstWrite+inval2.charAt(placement);
secondWrite = inval2.substring(placement+1,inval2.length+1);
thirdWrite = firstWrite+secondWrite;
document.inputo.written.value = thirdWrite;
if (ref == inval3) {
ref = 0
else {
if (placement == (inval2.length)) {
return false;
one = inval1;
two = inval2;
three = inval3;
goer = sage;
TID = window.setTimeout("code1(one, two, three, goer)", 0);
//  End -->
<form name="inputo">
name=written rows=12 cols=40>Type message to encode here</textarea>
Code Phrase:<input type=text name=codeWord value="code phrase here">
type=button value="Encode" onClick="preTime(codeWord.value,written.value, 0);">
type=button value="Decode" onClick="preTime(codeWord.value,written.value, 1);">

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