This again is a very simple scroll. It keeps adding letters one by one across the status bar until the entire message is written out. Then, it quickly scrolls the entire to the left, until it is disappears from the status bar. Then the whole process starts again.
Add the below code to the <body> section of your page:
<scripttype="text/javascript"> /* Visit
for full source code
and get more free JavaScript, CSS and DHTML scripts! */
<!-- Begin var
another simple scroll! You could have done it!!"; var
place=1; function
scrollIn(){ window.status=Message.substring(0,
place); if(place
Message.length){ place=1; window.setTimeout("scrollOut()",300);
}else{ place++; window.setTimeout("scrollIn()",50); }
} function
scrollOut(){ window.status=Message.substring(place,
Message.length); if(place
Message.length){ place=1; window.setTimeout("scrollIn()",100);
}else{ place++; window.setTimeout("scrollOut()",50); }
} window.onload=
scrollIn; // End --> </script>