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Data Source Name (DSN), 367
ADO, connecting to using, 352, 353
adding e-mail, 289–290
AjaxMailAttachments table, 283, 284, 287, 291, 298
AjaxMailFolders table, 283
AjaxMailMessages table, 283, 287, 298
clearing, 286–287
closing connection, 286, 289
opening connection, 284, 286
query string, formatting, 291, 308
role of database in, 282
Ajax.NET, working with in, 379–380
autosuggest database, 202–203, 222–223
comment notification query string, 68, 69
connection string, 271
DSN, 367
DWR, working with in, 367, 368–369
FooReader.NET feed query string, 141
JPSpan, working with in, 352–354, 357
MSSQL database, connecting to using C#, 271
MySQL platform, 20
news ticker widget query string, 229
OleDb, 378
site search widget
connection, 268, 269, 271–272
query, 267, 268, 270–271, 273
user name storage in, 61
AjaxMail date formatting, 299
RSS date element, 133
UNIX timestamp, converting to, 61
Date class, 365, 366, 371
DateTime structure, 246–247
decode method, 198
define method, 284
degradation, graceful, 73
function, 345
method, 334
deleteMessage method, 305, 309, 337–338, 345
DHTML (Dynamic HTML), 3, 4, 227
Direct Web Remoting. See DWR
DirectX AlphaImageLoader filter, 252
disconnect method, 286, 287, 289
displayClient method, 351
displayCompose method, 342
displayComposeMailForm method, 341, 342
displayCustomerInfo function, 22, 29
displayFolder method, 340
displayMessage method, 340
displayReply method, 342
displayReplyAll method, 342
divide method, 174
DLL (Dynamic-Link Library), web service, 172–173
document class
createElement method
autosuggest text box, 210
DOM, 89, 100, 148, 150, 248
iframe object, creating using, 29
input element, creating hidden using, 31
createTextNode method, 100, 151, 334
forms collection, 31
getElementById method, 21, 122, 148, 152, 225
getElementsByTagName method, 327
Document Type Declaration (DTD), RSS, 126
dollar sign ($) XSLT variable prefix, 113
DOM (Document Object Model). See also XML (eXtensible Markup Language)
attributes property, 84
browser support
creating DOM object, 82–83, 91–92, 95, 101
event handling in DOM-compliant browser, 61
Mac platform, 82
MSXML library, 81–82
namespace, 91, 92
traversing DOM document, 84–88
childNodes property, 84
createElement DOM method, 100, 148, 150
documentElement property, 84, 85, 93, 94
firstChild property, 84, 85, 99
FooReader, working with in, 130, 131, 134, 144, 146–147
lastChild property, 84
nextSibling property, 84, 86, 99
appending, 90
child, 84
creating, 89, 100
FooReader.NET node handling, 131–132
inserting, 90
looping through nodes, 98–99, 135
parent, 84
removing, 89–90
replacing, 90
RSS parsing into JavaScript, in, 130–131, 135, 136–137
sibling, 84
text node, 84, 86, 100
type, returning, 84, 132
value, returning, 84, 85, 86–88, 93
XSLT, applying to, 114
nodeName property, 84
nodeType property, 84
nodeValue property, 84, 86–87
onreadystatechange event handler support, 83
ownerDocument property, 84
parentNode property, 84, 85
previousSibling property, 84, 86
root element, returning, 84, 93
structure provided by, 4
text property, 84, 86, 87, 93
xml property, 84, 93
document fragment, appending to DOM object, 119
loading into DOM object, 114, 115–116, 119
zXml library, DOM functionality added by, 95–96, 131
DOMParser class, 92, 96
doSetTimeout function, 233, 235
doSpellingSuggestion method, 184, 186
doTimeout method, 250
downloadLinks function, 74–75, 78–79
drawResultBox method, 257, 258, 260, 261, 262
drop-down list, autosuggest, 200–202, 209–213
DSN (Data Source Name), 367
DTD (Document Type Declaration), RSS, 126
Dublin Core RSS/Atom extension, 133
DWR (Direct Web Remoting)
creating custom, 367–370
method in another, calling, 371–372
method in, excluding, 371
Customer class, 367–368, 369
CustomerClient-DWR.htm file, 370
data type conversion, 372–373
database, working with, 367, 368–369
e-mail address, working with, 367–368, 370
enterprise bean, working with, 372
error handling, 371
executeQuery method, 369
folder structure, 363
getAddressFromEmail method, 367, 368, 370
getInstance method, 371
installing, 362–366
Java, use of, 362
namespace, 364
page, client-side, 366–367
ResultSet class, 369
scope, 372
servlet mapping, 364
showDate function, 366
spring creator, 372
test site, 363–366
toGMTString method, 366, 367, 371
util.js file, 366
web server support, 363
web.xml file, 363–364
dwr-invoker servlet, 364
dwr.jar file, 365
dwr.xml file, 363, 364, 370, 371–372
Dynamic HTML (DHTML), 3, 4, 227
Dynamic-Link Library (DLL), web service, 172–173

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