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The DropDownList Web server control enables users to select from a single-selection drop-down list box. The DropDownList control is similar to the ListBox Web server control. It differs in that it shows only the selected item in a box, along with a drop-down button. When users click the button, a list of items is displayed.

The following table lists topics that provide information about how to work with the DropDownList control. Because the control is similar in many ways to the ListBox control, some of the links below lead you to topics for that control.

In This Section

Related Sections

Setting ASP.NET Server Control Properties

Suggests additional topics of interest concerning server control properties.

Setting Web Server Control Properties Programmatically

Gives directions for setting server control properties in code.

Adding Items in a List Web Server Control

Gives directions for defining individual items in the DropDownList control, either at design time or programmatically at run time.

Populating a List Web Server Control from a Database

Gives directions for using a DropDownList control to display database information.

Determining the Selection in a List Web Server Control

Gives directions for checking in code what the user has selected.

Setting the Selection in a List Web Server Control

Gives directions for preselecting items in the control.

JavaScript Editor jscript editor     Web designer