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Packet Size, SqlConnection connection string keys, 286
packet sniffing, 133
PageBaseType attribute, <pages>, 532
Page class
migration process and, 508
System.Web.UI namespace, 6
Web Forms, 209–11
@Page directive
AspCompat attribute, 509
attributes, 195–98
debug attribute, 199–202
directives, Web Forms, 227
EnableViewStateMac, 402
examples, 199–203
overview of, 194
regional formats and, 366
trace attribute, 199–202, 484
Page_Error event handler, 224
adding controls programmatically, 363
changing to FlowLayout, 359
DataSet caching, 453
page-level output, tracing, 484, 504
Page_Load event handler, 220, 508
pageOutput attribute, <trace>, 520
<pages> element, 531–34
attributes, 532–33
overview of, 531–32
page structure, ASP classic vs. ASP.NET, 507–9
Page.Trace property, 488
Page_Unload event, 508
Panel controls, 256
ASP to ASP.NET migration and, 510
passing, 61–62, 510
Web services, 412
Parameters collection, SqlCommand class, 301
parentheses ( ), calling methods and, 509
Passport authentication
authentication types, 185
configuring for ASP.NET, 169
Passport cookies and, 165
Web services, 428
<passport> child element, <authentication>, 169, 540
Passport SDK, 169
password attribute
<identity>, 541
<processModel>, 556
<user> child element, <authentication>, 540
PasswordFormat attribute, <authentication>, 539
passwords, 145–49
blank, 145
reducing number required, 148
RegLogin control and, 400
sa password, 145–48
SqlConnection connection string keys, 286
SQL Server login account and, 513
storing, 148–49
strong, 147
weak, 145, 147
scanning for missing, 156–58
security and, 155–58
path attribute
<authentication>, 538
<httpHandlers>, 549
<location> element, 179
<remove> child element, <httpHandlers>, 550
Path environment variable, .NET tools, 578–80
PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants), 270
tracing and, 486
ViewState and, 402
IIS permissions, 475–76
master permissions in machine.config, 180
persistent cookies, 110–11, 177
Persist Security Info, SqlConnection connection string keys, 286
Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), 270
physical paths, vs. URLs, 469–71
pingFrequency attribute, <processModel>, 555
pingTimeout attribute, <processModel>, 555
PlaceHolder controls, 219–20, 240, 363–64
platforms, supporting Visual Studio .NET, 561–62
policies, ASP.NET security, 138
policyFile attribute, <securityPolicy>, 545
polymorphism, 83–84
Pooling, SqlConnection connection string keys, 286
POP, port security, 154
port 443 (HTTPS), 154
port 80 (HTTP), 154
ASP.NET security and, 154–55
sniffing attacks, 131
PostBackDataChangedEvent, 384
handling, 407
phases, 368–69
RegLogin example, 382–86
server controls, 368–69
server-side code, 192
POST requests, HTTP
output caching and, 449
overview of, 181
postbacks and, 368
PreRender events, 221, 372
PreRender phase, 373, 402
Previous_Click event handler, 256
primitive data types, 422
principle of least privilege, 150
private assemblies, 362
private keyword, 58, 375
privileges, 150, 181
procedure-level variables, 56
processing stages, Web Form pages, 221–22
account privileges and, 181
attributes, 553–56
overview of, 552
processors, demands on, 442
programmatic techniques
attributes, 415
custom server controls, 362–64
output caching, 442
server controls, 239–40
checking return values, 78
constants, 59–60
data types, 51–54
early vs. late binding, 62–65
enumerations, 60
error types, 77
exception handling, 80–82
expressions, 50–51
flow control, 65–66
if statements, 66–68
looping statements, 74–77
methods, 60–62
object-oriented, 83–87
operators, 59
structured exception handling, 78–80
support resources for, 49–50
switch case statements, 68–74
top-to-bottom vs. event-driven, 508
variable accessibility, 58–59
variable declaration, 54–56
variables, 51
variable scope, 56–58
project containers, Visual Studio .NET, 13
Project menu, 28
access control, 178
application objects, 93
ASP to ASP.NET migration, 510
custom server controls, 364–65
explicit vs. default, 517
modifying, 24–26
RegLogin control, 375–76
session objects, 100
Visual Studio .NET, 21
Visual Studio .NET, 24–26
Web Forms, 42–44
Property Builder, 333, 336, 347
Property Builder dialog box, 336
protected keyword, 58
protection attribute, <authentication>, 538
proxy classes, 432–38
compiling, 434–35
creating, 432–34
how it works, 438
wsdl.exe options, 433
public keyword, 58
Pubs sample database, installing, 577–78
Pwd, SqlConnection connection string keys, 286

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JavaScript EditorJavascript debugger     Javascript examples