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Chapter 3: Planning an Architecture

This chapter lays the groundwork for the rest of the book by creating a number of basic services that will be shared among all future modules: configuration classes to process custom sections and elements in web.config, base business and data access classes, caching strategies, and more. I'll also introduce some new UI controls introduced in ASP.NET 2.0, namely the GridView control and the SqlDataSource/ObjectDataSource controls, which give you a data binding solution that's flexible and easy to use. Our job has never been this much fun before!


Our web site is made up of a number of separate modules for managing dynamic content such as articles, forums and polls, and sending out newsletters. However, all our modules have a number of common "design problems" that we must solve:

The task in this chapter is to devise a common set of classes to address these problems so that the common classes can be utilized by the various modules to be covered in later chapters. Once you finish this chapter you'll have a foundation upon which to build, and you can even distribute the development of future modules to various other developers, who can leverage the same common code to build each module. ASP.NET 2.0 adds new features to help us implement (and in some cases completely implement) a solution for many of the problems mentioned previously.

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JavaScript EditorFreeware javascript editor     Javascript code