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The IP address — retrieved using
— was added to the mix, so that a poten-
tial attacker will not be able to take a known “good” URL, which has a matching answer and hash value,
and use it to submit information.
script calls the
method of
to check if the hashed
version of the provided answer is the same as the hashed version of the known correct answer:
// display answer
if (isset($_GET[‘response’]) && isset($_GET[‘hash’]))
if(SimpleCAPTCHA::check_answer($_GET[‘response’], $_GET[‘hash’]))
echo ‘Correct!’;
echo ‘Wrong answer!’;
The code of
itself is pretty simple. It returns
if the hash value of the answer plus
the visitor ’s IP address is equal to the known hash value of the correct answer:
// SimpleCAPTCHA library
class SimpleCAPTCHA
// verify answer
function check_answer($answer, $hash)
return (md5(trim($answer) . $_SERVER[‘SERVER_ADDR’]) == $hash);
Note that you use the MD5 (Message Digest 5) hashing algorithm, which is the most widely used hashing
algorithm. Another popular hashing algorithm, which is generally agreed to be more secure (although a
bit slower) is SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm).
301 Redirect Attacks
A legitimate site will often employ a script that redirects URLs, as part of an internal linking scheme, using
URLs like this:
In this case, the
script would redirect to the URL specified by the
parameter. The
problem comes when a 301 redirect is used. The fact that such a redirection link can be altered to point
to any other URL is manifest from the URL itself. And a 301 redirect will be interpreted as a vote. Black
hat SEOs will link to such a URL from many spam sites so as to acquire a vote.
You may want to revisit Chapter 4 for more details on the HTTP status codes and redirection.
For example, someone from
may post links, on their site or others, to URLs
such as
. If these links do
Chapter 8: Black Hat SEO
c08.qxd:c08 10:59 194

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