In conclusion Ajax tutorial | PREV

For many Ajax and Web programmers, the material in this article seems fairly advanced. What is the value in making a HEAD request? What is really a case where you should handle a redirection status code explicitly in your JavaScript? These are good questions; for simple applications, the answer is that these advanced techniques are unlikely to be valuable.

However, the Web is no longer a place where simple applications are tolerated; users have become more advanced, customers expect robustness and advanced error reporting, and managers are fired because an application goes down 1 percent of the time.

It's your job then, to go beyond a simple application and that requires a more thorough understanding of XMLHttpRequest.

This article isn't going to make your applications flashy, help you highlight text with fading yellow spotlights, or feel more like a desktop. While these are all strengths of Ajax (and topics we'll cover in subsequent articles), they are to some degree just icing on the cake. If you can use Ajax to build a solid foundation in which your application handles errors and problems smoothly, users will return to your site and application.

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