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disabled Property

Sets or retrieves the value that indicates whether the user can interact with the object .


HTML Scripting
object . disabled ( v ) [ = p ]

Possible Values

p Boolean that specifies or receives one of the following values.
true Element is disabled.
false Element is not disabled.

The property is read/write. The property has no default value.

Expressions can be used in place of the preceding value(s), as of Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5. For more information, see About Dynamic Properties .

Standards Information

This property is defined in World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Document Object Model (DOM) Level 1 .

Applies To

SCRIPT Platform Version
Win32: 5.5
Win16: N/A
Windows CE: N/A
Unix: N/A
Mac: N/A
AREA , BASEFONT , BGSOUND , BODY , BR , BUTTON , CAPTION , COL , COMMENT , DD , DIV , DT , EMBED , FONT , FORM , FRAME , HEAD , HR , HTML , IFRAME , IMG , INPUT type=button , INPUT type=checkbox , INPUT type=file , INPUT type=image , INPUT type=password , INPUT type=radio , INPUT type=reset , INPUT type=submit , INPUT type=text , ISINDEX , LABEL , LEGEND , LI , MAP , MARQUEE , META , OBJECT , OL , P , SCRIPT , SELECT , SPAN , TABLE , TD , TEXT , TEXTAREA , TITLE , TR , UL
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JavaScript and Ajax Editor,
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