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JavaScript language references >>> Feature Information, Errors, Functions, Operators, Methods 1

Version Information
List of JavaScript versions by host application and list of features by version.
JavaScript Features (ECMA)
List of ECMA features currently in JScript.
JavaScript Features (Non-ECMA)
List of non-ECMA features currently in JScript.
Microsoft Scripting Run-time Features
List of scripting run-time features currently in JScript.

Language Element
Run-time Errors List of JavaScript run-time errors
Syntax Errors List of JavaScript syntax errors

Language Element
GetObject Function Returns a reference to an Automation object from a file.
ScriptEngine Function Returns a string representing the scripting language in use.
ScriptEngineBuildVersion Function Returns the build version number of the scripting engine in use.
ScriptEngineMajorVersion Function Returns the major version number of the scripting engine in use.
ScriptEngineMinorVersion Function Returns the minor version number of the scripting engine in use.

Language Element
Addition Operator (+) Sums two numbers or concatenates two strings.
Assignment Operator (=) Assigns a value to a variable.
Bitwise AND Operator (&) Performs a bitwise AND on two expressions.
Bitwise Left Shift Operator (<<) Shifts the bits of an expression to the left.
Bitwise NOT Operator (~) Performs a bitwise NOT (negation) on an expression.
Bitwise OR Operator (|) Performs a bitwise OR on two expressions.
Bitwise Right Shift Operator (>>) Shifts the bits of an expression to the right, maintaining sign.
Bitwise XOR Operator (^) Performs a bitwise exclusive OR on two expressions.
Comma Operator (,) Causes two expressions to be executed sequentially.
Comparison Operators Returns a Boolean value indicating the result of the comparison.
Compound Assignment Operators List of compound assignment operators.
Conditional (trinary) Operator (?:) Executes one of two expressions depending on a condition.
Decrement Operator (--) Decrements a variable by one.
delete Operator Deletes a property from an object, or removes an element from an array.
Division Operator (/) Divides two numbers and returns a numeric result.
Equality Operator (==) Compares two expressions to determine if they are equal.
Greater than Operator (>) Compares two expressions to determine if one is greater than the other.
Greater than or equal to Operator (>=) Compares two expressions to determine if one is greater than or equal to the other.
Identity Operator (===) Compares two expressions to determine if they are equal in value and of the same data type.
Increment Operator (++) Increments a variable by one.
Inequality Operator (!=) Compares two expressions to determine if they are unequal.
instanceof Operator Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether or not an object is an instance of a particular class.
Less than Operator (<) Compares two expressions to determine if one is less than the other.
Less than or equal to Operator (<=) Compares two expressions to determine if one is less than or equal to the other.
Logical AND Operator (&&) Performs a logical conjunction on two expressions.
Logical NOT Operator (!) Performs logical negation on an expression.
Logical OR Operator (||) Performs a logical disjunction on two expressions.
Modulus Operator (%) Divides two numbers and returns the remainder.
Multiplication Operator (*) Multiplies two numbers.
new Operator Creates a new object.
Nonidentity Operator (!==) Compares two expressions to determine that they are not equal in value or of the same data type.
Operator Precedence List containing information about the execution precedence of JavaScript operators.
Subtraction Operator (-) Performs subtraction of two expressions.
typeof Operator Returns a string that identifies the data type of an expression.
Unary Negation Operator (-) Indicates the negative value of a numeric expression.
Unsigned Right Shift Operator (>>>) Performs an unsigned right shift of the bits in an expression.
void Operator Prevents an expression from returning a value.

Language Element
abs Method Returns the absolute value of a number.
acos Method Returns the arccosine of a number.
anchor Method Places an HTML anchor with a NAME attribute around specified text in the object.
asin Method Returns the arcsine of a number.
atan Method Returns the arctangent of a number.
atan2 Method Returns the angle (in radians) from the X axis to a point (y,x).
atEnd Method Returns a Boolean value indicating if the enumerator is at the end of the collection.
big Method Places HTML <BIG> tags around text in a String object.
blink Method Places HTML <BLINK> tags around text in a String object.
bold Method Places HTML <B> tags around text in a String object.
ceil Method Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to its numeric argument.
charAt Method Returns the character at the specified index.
charCodeAt Method Returns the Unicode encoding of the specified character.
compile Method Compiles a regular expression into an internal format.
concat Method (Array) Returns a new array consisting of a combination of two arrays.
concat Method (String) Returns a String object containing the concatenation of two supplied strings.
cos Method Returns the cosine of a number.
dimensions Method Returns the number of dimensions in a VBArray.
escape Method Encodes String objects so they can be read on all computers.
eval Method Evaluates JavaScript code and executes it.
exec Method Executes a search for a match in a specified string.
exp Method Returns e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to a power.
fixed Method Places HTML <TT> tags around text in a String object.
floor Method Returns the greatest integer less than or equal to its numeric argument.
fontcolor Method Places an HTML <FONT> tag with the COLOR attribute around the text in a String object.
fontsize Method Places an HTML <FONT> tag with the SIZE attribute around the text in a String object.
fromCharCode Method Returns a string from a number of Unicode character values.
getDate Method Returns the day of the month value in a Date object using local time.
getDay Method Returns the day of the week value in a Date object using local time.
getFullYear Method Returns the year value in the Date object using local time.
getHours Method Returns the hours value in a Date object using local time.
getItem Method Returns the item at the specified location.

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