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Java language, 362, 372–373. See also specific class and method
JavaScript language. See also specific class and method
ActiveX extension, 4
background, historical, 2
communication pattern, 47
frame handling, 3, 19, 29
data type conversion with, 372–373
relation to, 362
JPSpan JavaScript/PHP type translation, 360–361
JSON definition, including in JavaScript file, 191
Netscape Navigator, bundled with, 2
origin policy, 43–44
parsing RSS/Atom feed into
document root element, returning, 134
element attribute, 130, 131
extension, 133
FooReader.NET, 130–137, 144–147
item, 131–132, 136
type of feed, identifying, 134
version of feed, identifying, 134
XMLHttp request, 133–134
XSLT stylesheet, adding JavaScript object to, 116
JavaScript Object Notation. See JSON
JavaServer Pages (JSP) web service environment, 167
java.sql package, 367
java.util package, 367 web site, 199
join method, 42
JPSpan framework
business class implementation, 349, 352–355
callback object, 356
Customer class, 351
CustomerClient-JPSpan.htm file, 358
CustomerServer-JPSpan.php file, 355
database, working with, 352–354, 357
displayClient method, 351
e-mail address, working with, 352–355, 356–358, 361
entry point, 349
error handling, 359–360
execute method, 354
getAddressFromEmail method, 348, 352, 353, 357–358, 361
HTTP request handling, 348
installing, 348–349
isset function, 351
JPSpan type translation, 360–361
overhead, 348
client-side, 355–359
server-side, 349–351
reflection, 348
replaceIfNull function, 358
require_once directive, 350–351
Serializer.php file, 360
serve method, 351
showAddress method, 356, 358
Strcasecmp function, 351
string comparison, 351
type translation, 360–361
Unserializer.php file, 360, 361
JPSpan.php file, 349
JPSpan_Server_PostOffice class, 351
JPSpan_Unserializer_PHP class, 361
JPSpan_Unserializer_XML class, 361
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). See also autosuggest text box application using JSON
AjaxMail application parser, 282, 308, 310–311, 328
array literal, 191–192, 193–194
autocomplete functionality, creating using, 200
bracket notation, 191–192
C# library, 199, 267, 268
CFJSON library, 199
data type, 192
defining JSON object, 191, 197
encoding/decoding, 195, 197–198
instance of JSON object, creating, 197
object literal, 192–194
parse method, 195, 276, 328
Perl library, 199
PHP library, 197–198, 222, 282
processing, server-side, 197–199, 222–223
Python library, 199
string, converting object to/from, 194, 195, 197–198
stringify method, 195
syntax, 194
typeahead functionality, creating using, 200
utility overview, 199
XML versus, 195–197
JSONArray class, 268, 270
json.js file, 223
JSONObject class, 268, 269, 270, 292–293, 295
json-py library, 199
JSP (JavaServer Pages) web service environment, 167

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