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MFC uses the CWinFormsView class to host a Windows Forms user control within an MFC view. MFC Windows Forms views are ActiveX controls. The user control is hosted as a child of the native view and occupies the entire client area of the native view.

The end result is similar to the model used by the CFormView Class. This allows you to take advantage of the Windows Forms designer and run time to create rich form-based views.

Because MFC Windows Forms views are ActiveX controls, they do not have the same hwnd as MFC views. Also they cannot be passed as a pointer to a CView view. In general, use .NET Frameworks methods to work with Windows Forms views and rely less on Win32.

For a sample application that shows Windows Forms used with MFC, see MFC and .

In This Section

See Also


How to: Author User Controls

Other Resources

Using a Windows Form User Control in MFC

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