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The declaration of properties and operators has been extensively reworked from Managed Extensions for C++ to Visual C++ 2005, hiding the underlying implementation details that were exposed in the Managed Extensions design. Event declarations have been modified as well.

Under the category of changes that have no Managed Extensions support, static constructors can now be defined out-of-line (they were required to be defined inline within Managed Extensions), and the notion of a delegating constructor has been introduced.

In This Section

Property Declaration

Discusses changes to property declarations.

Property Index Declaration

Discusses changes to indexed property declarations.

Delegates and Events

Discusses changes to the syntax for declaring delegates and events.

Sealing a Virtual Function

Discusses changes to the syntax for sealing a function.

Overloaded Operators

Discusses changes to operator overloading.

Changes to Conversion Operators

Discusses changes to conversion operators.

Explicit Override of an Interface Member

Discusses changes to the method for explicitly overriding an interface member.

Private Virtual Functions

Discusses changes in the way private virtual functions are handled in derived classes.

Static Const Int Linkage Is No Longer Literal

Discusses changes in the way static const integral members are linked and how to explicitly declare a constant using the new literal keyword.

See Also

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