The Task Pane Options dialog box allows you to customize the Task Pane Manager and the individual panes that it contains. Additionally, you can add new panes to your Task Pane Manager and access the Pane Customization dialog box to create your own panes.
- Move Up
- Moves the selected item in the tree view up.
- Move Down
- Moves the selected item in the tree view down.
- Tree View
- Displays the different areas of the Task Pane Manager where you can set options. When you click an item in the tree view, it expands the node to show additional categories for the selected item; it also displays the appropriate options for the selected item on the right side of the dialog box. Additionally, the order that panes appear in the tree view is the order they are shown at the top of the Task Pane Manager.
- Help
- Opens the Visual FoxPro Help file.
Task Pane Manager, General
Displays options that can be set for the Task Pane Manager.
- Pane
- Specifies the initial pane to be displayed when the Take Pane Manager is opened.
- Check for New Internet Content
- Selects how often to check for new content for Web-based panes. This option is the default for Web-based panes; however, different settings are available depending on the pane.
- Open the Task Pane when Visual FoxPro starts
- Specifies whether the Task Pane Manager is automatically opened when Visual FoxPro starts.
Task Pane Manager, Customize
Displays options for customizing panes and managing the Task Pane Manager.
- Install Pane
- Displays a dialog box to select a Microsoft or third-party pane to add to the Task Pane Manager.
- Customize Panes
- Displays the Pane Customization dialog box, which enables you to view and customize panes and to create your own custom panes.
- Cleanup Tables
- Removes deleted records from the Task Pane Manager tables and clears the Task Pane Manager's cache directory.
- Restore to Default
- Restores the Task Pane Manager to its default settings and panes.
- Folder for Take Pane Manager content tables
- Specifies the folder in which the Task Pane Manager accesses its tables.
- Folder for cached files
- Specifies the folder in which the Task Pane Manager stores its cached files.
Start, General
Displays options that can be set for the Start pane.
- Start
- Specifies whether the Start section of the Start pane is displayed.
- My Tools
- Specifies whether the My Tools section of the Start pane is displayed.
- Recent Projects
- Specifies whether your recently used projects are displayed on the Start pane.
- Recent Databases
- Specifies whether your recently used databases are displayed on the Start pane.
- Check for New Internet Content
- Selects how often to check for new Internet-based content.
Community, General
Displays options that can be set for the Community pane.
- FoxCentral News
- Specifies whether news from the FoxCentral Web site is displayed in the Community pane.
- Universal Thread News
- Specifies whether content from the Universal Thread Web site is displayed in the Community pane.
- Wiki
- Specifies whether content from the Visual FoxPro Wiki Web site is displayed in the Community pane.
- Check for New Internet Content
- Selects how often to check for new Internet-based content.
Community, FoxCentral News
Displays options that can be set for displaying news from the FoxCentral Web site.
- Number of days to look back for news
- Specifies how many days, of back news, from the FoxCentral Web site, the Community pane should display.
Community, Universal Thread News
Displays options that can be set for displaying content from the Universal Thread Web site.
- Login name
- Specifies the login name that the Community pane should use when downloading content from the Universal Thread Web site.
- Password
- Specifies the password that the Community pane should use when downloading content from the Universal Thread Web site.
- Number of days to look back for news
- Specifies how many days of back content from the Universal Thread Web site the Community pane should display.
- News
- Specifies whether the Community pane should list news content from the Universal Thread Web site.
- Articles
- Specifies whether the Community pane should list articles from the Universal Thread Web site.
- Downloads
- Specifies whether the Community pane should list downloads from the Universal Thread Web site.
- Training
- Specifies whether the Community pane should list Training announcements from the Universal Thread Web site.
Community, Wiki
Displays options for displaying content from the Visual FoxPro Wiki Web site.
- Number of days to look back for news
- Specifies how many days, of back content, from the Visual FoxPro Wiki Web site, the Community pane should display.
Solution Samples, General
Displays options that can be set for the Solution Samples pane.
- Solution Samples
- Specifies whether the Solution Samples section is displayed in the Solutions Samples pane.
- Add-In Links
- Specifies whether the Solution Samples Add-In section is displayed in the Solution Samples pane.
- Check for New Internet Content
- Selects how often to check for new Internet-based content.
XML Web Services, General
Displays options that can be set for the XML Web Services pane.
- XML Web Services Tools
- Specifies whether the XML Web Services Tools section should be displayed in the XML Web Services pane.
- Explore an XML Web Service
- Specifies whether the Explore an XML Web Service section should be displayed in the XML Web Services pane.
- XML Web Services Resources
- Specifies whether the XML Web Services Resources section should be displayed in the XML Web Services pane.
- Check for New Internet Content
- Selects how often to check for new Internet-based content.
Displays options that can be set for the Minesweeper pane.
- Size of matrix
- Specifies how large the default game area is.