Chapter 1: Essential Visual Basic
Putting Visual Basic to Work
What's New in VB .NET?
Upgrading from Visual Basic 6.0
The .NET Framework and the Common Language Runtime
Building VB .NET Applications
The Visual Basic Integrated Development Environment
Coding to Get the Most from Visual Basic
Chapter 2: The Visual Basic Language: Operators, Conditionals, and Loops
The Visual Basic Keywords
Visual Basic Statements
All About Statement Syntax
The Option and Imports Statements
Immediate Solutions: Declaring Constants
Creating Enumerations
Declaring Variables
What Data Types Are Available?
Converting between Data Types
Checking Data Types
Declaring Arrays and Dynamic Arrays
Handling Strings
Converting Strings to Numbers and Back Again
Converting between Characters and Character Codes
Using Visual Basic Operators
Understanding Visual Basic Operator Precedence
Commenting Your Code
Making Decisions with If¡Else Statements
Using Select Case
Making Selections with Switch and Choose
Looping to Execute Statements Repetitively
Using the Do Loop
Using the For Loop
Using the For Each¡Next Loop
Using the While Loop
The With Statement
Handling Higher Math
Handling Dates and Times
Handling Financial Data
Ending a Program at Any Time
Chapter 3: The Visual Basic Language: Procedures, Scope, and Exception Handling
Sub Procedures and Functions
Understanding Scope
Handling Exceptions
Immediate Solutions: Creating Sub Procedures
Creating Functions
Commenting Your Procedures
Passing a Variable Number of Arguments
Specifying Optional Procedure Arguments
Preserving a Variable's Values between Procedure Calls
Creating Procedure Delegates
Creating Properties
Understanding Scope
Using Unstructured Exception Handling
Using Resume Next and Resume Line
Using On Error GoTo 0
Getting an Exception's Number and Description
Raising an Exception Intentionally
Using Structured Exception Handling
Exception Filtering in the Catch Block
Using Multiple Catch Statements
Using Finally
Throwing an Exception
Throwing a Custom Exception
Chapter 4: Windows Forms
Chapter 5: Windows Forms: Text Boxes, Rich Text Boxes, Labels, and Link Labels
Chapter 6: Windows Forms: Buttons, Checkboxes, Radio Buttons, Panels, and Group Boxes
Chapter 7: Windows Forms: List Boxes, Checked List Boxes, Combo Boxes, and Picture Boxes
Chapter 8: Windows Forms: Scroll Bars, Splitters, Track Bars, Pickers, Notify Icons, Tool Tips, and Timers
Chapter 9: Windows Forms: Menus, Built-in Dialog Boxes, and Printing
Chapter 10: Windows Forms: Image Lists, Tree and List Views, Toolbars, Status and Progress Bars, and Tab Controls
Chapter 11: Object-Oriented Programming
Chapter 12: Object-Oriented Inheritance
Chapter 13: Graphics and File Handling
Chapter 14: Web Forms
Chapter 15: Web Forms: Buttons, Text Boxes, Labels, Literals, and Place Holders
Chapter 16: Web Forms: Checkboxes, Radio Buttons, Tables, and Panels
Chapter 17: Images, Image Buttons, List Boxes, Drop-Down Lists, Hyperlinks, and Link Buttons
Chapter 18: Validation Controls, Calendars, and Ad Rotators
Chapter 19: Web Forms: HTML Controls
Chapter 20: Data Access with ADO.NET
Chapter 21: Binding Controls to Databases
Chapter 22: Handling Databases in Code
Chapter 23: Database Access in Web Applications
Chapter 24: Creating User Controls, Web User Controls, and Multithreading
Chapter 25: Creating Windows Services, Web Services, and Deploying Applications