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object data type, 52
Object data type, 52, 53, 509
ObjectList control, Mobile Web Forms, 272
object-oriented programming, 83–87
classes, 84
inheritance, 85–87
overview of, 83–84
objects, defined, 83
ODBC databases, 287
OleDbAdapter class, 281
OleDbCommand class, 281, 296–98
OleDbConnection class, 281, 286–87
OLE DB database, 347
OleDbDataReader class, 281, 323
OLE DB.NET Data Provider, 280–81, 323
Open Project dialog box, 12–13
operating systems. See OSs (operating systems)
operators, 59
Options dialog box, 28–29
Oracle database, 286
originURL attribute, <trust>, 546
oSql utility
installing MSDE, 577–78
setting up ASPNET account, 289–90
OSs (operating systems)
IIS support, 561–62
selecting, 134
server functions and, 135
out-of process (StateServer), 105
@OutputCache directive
attributes, 207–8, 443–44, 463
combining with user controls, 213
declarative caching with, 442
enabling output caching, 208–9
overview of, 206
user controls, 447–49
Web Forms, 227, 445–46
output caching. See also caching
declarative means for, 442
multiple versions of output, 449–52
Output window, Visual Studio .NET, 23
override modifier, 85

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JavaScript EditorJavascript debugger     Javascript examples