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This dialog box allows you to choose the type of database objects that are displayed in the Database designer. You can choose from tables, relations, local views, and remote views. You can also add a comment. Use this dialog box to show or hide database objects in your database schema.

This dialog box appears when you select Properties from the Database menu.


Lists the available events.
Set Events On

Specifies whether DBC Events are enabled at design time and run time in the current Visual FoxPro session.
Events File

Enables you to specify an external file that contains DBC Event code.
Edit Code button

Opens the Visual FoxPro editor so you can add code to the currently selected DBC Event in the stored procedures file or in the specified external file.

Shows or hides the tables in the database schema.

Shows or hides the relationship lines between tables in the database schema.
Local Views

Shows or hides the views created on data stored in local tables.
Remote Views

Shows or hides the views created on data stored in a remote data source.

Provides space for you to type a comment about the database schema.

See Also

JavaScript Editor js editor     Web development