element element (XSLT) Element interface element-availability() function elements CSS HTML/XHTML a abbr address applet area b base basefont big blockquote body br button caption center code col colgroup custom elements dd definition of del dfn dir div dl dt em fieldset font form frame frameset h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 head hr html i iframe img input ins isindex kbd label legend li link map menu meta noframes noscript object ol optgroup option p param pre q s samp script select small span strike strong sub sup table tbody td textarea tfoot th thread title tr tt u ul var XML attributes forbidden/restricted characters naming conventions structure of XSLT defining in style sheets output sort stylesheet table of transform else statement (Ruby) elsif statement (Ruby) em element (XHTML) entities (XML) Entities property (DocumentType interface) Entity interface EntityReference interface envelope property (XMLHttpRequest class) envelope() method Epiphany error property (mysqli) escape() method Euclidean algorithm iterative implementation recursive implementation event handlers (JavaScript) ExceptionCode interface exiting loops expressions regular expressions XPath Extensible Markup Language
[See XML (Extensible Markup Language).] eXtensible Stylesheet Language for Transformations
[See XSLT (eXtensible Stylesheet Language for Transformations).]