\r pattern (regular expressions) Rails
[See Ruby on Rails.] read-only forms addressSelect stored procedure customer display MySQL database tables, creating read-only tabular information 2nd CSS items available page lineSelect stored procedure MySQL database tables, creating mysqli() methods and properties PHP variables and routines readyState values web page code listing readState property (XMLHttpRequest object) 2nd readyState() method Really Simple Syndication (RSS) recursion JavaScript recursive style sheets (XSLT) regular expressions removeAttribute() method removeAttributeNode() method removeChild() method removeNamedItem() method removeRequestHeader() method removing array elements replace() method replaceChild() method replaceData() method requests SOAP requests 2nd XML-RPC requests XMLHttpRequest object reset event handler resize event handler responses SOAP responses 2nd XML-RPC responses responseText property (XMLHttpRequest object) responseText() method responseXML property (XMLHttpRequest object) responseXML() method restrict() function restricted characters (XML) retrieve() method reusing code
[See code reuse.] reverse() method reversing arrays root nodes 2nd round() function RSS (Really Simple Syndication) Ruby advantages of classes data types Boolean numeric objects string flow control conditions loops history of operators threads variables Ruby on Rails Ajax and 2nd database access example directory structure history of installation