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Program files contain code for executing a series of instructions. Storing code in a program (.prg) file offers benefits such as the following:

When your program is part of a project, you can also search for and replace code references and text and view definitions of code elements found in searches in the current program file. For more information, see How to: Search For Code References and How to: View Code Definitions.

In This Section

How to: Create Programs

Describes how to create a Visual FoxPro program.
How to: Edit Programs

Describes how to edit programs after you create them.
How to: Format Code in Programs

Describes how you can set formatting options and apply them to code in programs.
How to: Save Programs

Describes how to save the programs after you create and edit them.
How to: Run Programs

Describes how to run programs.

Related Sections

Working with Projects

Describes using projects as a way to develop large applications.
Programming in Visual FoxPro

Describes how understanding object-oriented programming techniques and the event-driven model can maximize your programming productivity and enable you to access the full power of Visual FoxPro.
Language Reference

Contains descriptions of language elements in Visual FoxPro.
Development Productivity Tools

Describes Visual FoxPro developer tools that you can use for application development within the FoxPro application and the FoxPro language.

JavaScript Editor js editor     Web development