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You can create applications and programs by learning about and using Visual FoxPro's programming language and capabilities.

In This Section

Basic Programming Concepts

Provides an overview of programming fundamentals necessary to work in Visual FoxPro, including data storage, data types, containers, operators, commands, and controlling program flow.
Working with Programs

Introduces how to create and work with Visual FoxPro programs, which are text files containing instructions using the Visual FoxPro language.
Working with Procedures and Functions

Introduces how to call native functions as well as user-defined functions and procedures, provides an overview and aspects of user-defined functions and procedures, and how to create functions and procedures.
Passing Data to Parameters

Discusses ways and how to pass data to parameters.
Object-Oriented Programming

Discusses how you can create self-contained application components that respond to user actions and to the system and which can be easily maintained and reused.
Accessing APIs

Discusses how you can extend an application by taking advantage of external libraries such as Microsoft ActiveX controls or dynamic-link libraries (DLLs).
How to: Create Quit Routines

Describes how to create customized quit routines when users quit your application, Visual FoxPro, or Microsoft Windows.

Related Sections

Using Visual FoxPro

Provides an overview of Visual FoxPro features, describes concepts and productivity tools for developing, programming, and managing high-performance database applications and components.
Developing Visual FoxPro Applications

Explains concepts about how to develop Visual FoxPro applications, instructions for creating databases and the user interface, and other tasks needed to create Visual FoxPro applications.
Development Productivity Tools

Discusses the developer tools for application development within the Visual FoxPro application and the Visual FoxPro language.

Provides common scenarios and step-by-step guides on how to create different types of applications and components.

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