Converts carriage returns in a string to the tag so that the input can be properly displayed in HTML. Without the script, returns in an input field are not preserved when submitting in a form. Useful for guestbooks or other times when a user's input must be preserved.
Add the below code to the <body> section of your page:
<scriptlanguage="javascript"type="text/javascript"> /* Visit
for full source code
and get more free JavaScript, CSS and DHTML scripts! */
<!-- Begin function
ConvertBR(input){ // Converts carriage returns
// to <BR> for display in HTML
output =""; for(var
i =0;
i <input.length;
if((input.charCodeAt(i)==13)||(input.charCodeAt(i)==10)){ i++; output +="<BR>";
}else{ output +=input.charAt(i); }
} return
} // End --> </script> <form>
may type a message here
Make sure to press the [Enter] key a few times.
That way you will be able to see the
conversion function in action. </textarea> <br><br> <inputtype=buttonvalue="Convert
= ConvertBR(this.form.message.value);"> <p> Output: <inputtype=textname=outputsize=50> <p> </form>