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Menus and Navigation

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Age Redirect. FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
Occasionally, your web site might need to redirect minors away from adult content. This script is a VERY simple preliminary age check. Those underage are then forwarded to

Back Button. FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
Still wondering how to create a back button from a link or button? It's easy to do and doesn't even take a whole line!

Browser. IE4+
(Internet Explorer Only) Create a browser window within an existing browser window. Allows you to uniquely provide custom links and navigation.

Cascading Menu. FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
Multilevel cascading menu for navigation. Menus have borders, highlight colours and are positioned relative to one another on the fly.

Center Expand. FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
Grab your visitors attention with this script. It centers the browser window and expands to fill the screen!

Centered Popup. FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
Opens a new popup window centered on the page according to the width and height of the user's screen. You can customize the width, height, and scrollbars on or off for each window you open.

Checkbox Link. FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
Redirect users to another page immediately when they click in this checkbox.

Combined Radio Buttons. FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
Sends the user to a specific URL based on the combined selections from two different menus. Works great for sites navigation based on two separate characteristics.

Combined Menu. FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
Sends the user to a specific URL based on the combined selections from two different pulldown menus. If the user only selects from one menu, they are still taken to that menu's corresponding page. Works great for sites navigation based on two seperate characteristics.

Current Directory FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
Takes the user to a directory listing of all files in the current directory. Or, if an index.html file exists in that directory, they are taken to that page instead.

Cursor Link FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
Forget actually clicking on links anymore, if you put your cursor over them, you go there! (with this JavaScript at least) If you use this script, please remember that it can be annoying, even a pain for them to have to come back if they really didn't want to follow the link.

Customized Popup FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
Allow your visitors to have a popup page on your site appear exactly as they want! They can customize the width, height, and placement of a popup window on your site before the window is opened.

Day Of Week Redirection FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
If you would like to redirect your visitor to a different page for each day of the week, this script would be perfect. It will first detect what day of the week it is and then forward the visitor to the appropriate page.

Delayed Popup FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
Automatically opens a new popup window a given number of seconds after the page finishes loading. The script can optionally be configured to close the window after a few seconds.

Directory Info FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
Do you archive your website's contents into separate directories? If so, you'll love this script! It will print out a neat linked directory information for any page on your site!

Dynamic Links FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
Dynamically change the link address for a hyperlink based on their entry in the pulldown menu. Send to different email addresses or URLs!

Exit Window FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
When a visitor leaves your page, JavaScript can automatically open a new window. Use it to say "thanks for visiting", etc. Very neat!

Expanding Window FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
Opens a small window then expands it vertically and horizontally to fill the screen with the new web page.

Ftp Server Login FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
Just enter your username, password, and FTP server's address and JavaScript can login into the server for you!

Full Screen Expanding Window FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
Launches a rapidly expanding window that moves down and across the screen until it fills the entire screen area in fullscreen mode. The script then loads your content page into the fullscreen view.

Full Screen FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
Open a new window in full screen mode. Menu bars and the status bar are disabled. Useful for pages displaying a movie clip, slideshow, or even on an intro "welcome" page to your site.

Glide In Menu FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
When an icon is clicked, this script glides in a menu from screen-left. Clicking on the same icon in the menu causes it to slide off the screen, with the triggering icon sliding back in. The script can be set to have either the trigger icon or the menu show on start-up; and the menu and trigger icon positions can be set via script variables.

Hard Drive Browser FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
This script provides quick access to your entire hard drive, including A, B, C, D, and E drives (the ones you have, at least).

Htaccess Login FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
Allows you to have a login box embedded in your web page for pages that normally is only available through a pop up dialogue box.

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Indent Menu FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
Fully interactive menu with description box. Customize link color and behavior, link box motion indent, link box border colors, link box border styles, link box border width, individual link messages, and default link message. Written without using layers.

Link Description FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
Displays a description in another cell of a table when the mouse moves over a link.

Link Wheel FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
This neat little JavaScript will flip through all the different sites that you include, along with a description of that site. When the visitor clicks the button, they are taken to that site!

Links List FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
Allow your users to quickly see a list of all the links on your web page in a well organized and numbered list. Each listing includes the link URL and the link's text. Works on both IE and Netscape.

Manual Frame Break FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
Place this scipt on any page to allow visitors to break out of frames with a simple link. Easily choose whether or not to view the page within frames.

Menu FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
You can make it easier on our visitors to find their way around your site. I highly suggest using the extremely popular and extremely useful menu list.

Menu Automatic FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
This Javascript will display an ordinary-looking menu . Once a link is selected, the visitor is automatically taken to the website without hitting "Go!" or anything.

Menu Description FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
If you have plenty of space on you webpage or just would like to use a more comprehensive menu list, then this script might suit you nicely. This script works very well and is also very visually appealing.

Menu Popup FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
After the user selects an option in the pulldown menu, the new page opens in a new window! This is useful when linking to sites not within your site when you do not want the user to leave your site. Your site will remain open in the other window so the visitor can come back to it when the are finished with the popup page. You can even control the size of the popup window, whether it has scrollbars, menubars, toolbars, etc.

Menu Scroll FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
Use this amazing layers script to actually "scroll" a series of menu items onto your page.

Must Visit Sponsor FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
Requires the visitor to click your sponsor's banner or link before being able to enter your site. After clicking the banner or link text, the advertiser's page will open in a new window, and your web page loads in the original window, which is behind the ad window.

Navigation Buttons FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
Dynamic navigation menu using a mouseOver of main categories to dynamically generate buttons with appropriate labels and links. This script avoids special rollover graphics, and gets around the limitations of Netscape style sheets.

New Window FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
Do you have a link that you'd rather have open in a new window? This little script will do just that! You can even use a button or a text link to open the new window!

Popup Page FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
JavaScript can open another window a specified number of seconds after the first page finishes loading. This popup page can function as an advertising window, some tips on navigating your site, what's new, and lots more.

Protected Link FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
This small script masks the URL in the status bar to hide the real link to that particular page.

Quick Preview FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
When the user clicks the thumbnail image the full picture loads in a new window. The window can optionally be configured to close a fixed number seconds after the page has loaded.

Quick Jump FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
Similar to the location box in your browsers, just enter a complete web site address (starting with http://) in the box and click enter to jump to that site! Short script - only three lines of code!

Radio Button Links FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
Use form radio buttons as hyperlinks or mail links. Quick and easy way to add a unique navigation style to your site!

Random Page FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
An easy way to instantly send the visitor to a random HTML page. Just enter the random pages you want to use, and you're done!

Redirection FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
Count down then redirect script.

Thumbnail Navigator FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
Allows the visitor to easily browse with Previous and Next through several thumbnail images (all of which are preloaded so they show up instantly). Then they can click the Go button to be taken to the selected thumbnail's full size image.

Timed Redirect FF1+ IE4+ Opr6+ NN6+
Here's a simple way to redirect a user to another page using JavaScript. Short!


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