Script Categories

Menus and Navigation >>> Browser.

(Internet Explorer Only) Create a browser window within an existing browser window. Allows you to uniquely provide custom links and navigation.


Add the below code to the <body> section of your page:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
/* Visit for full source code
and get more free JavaScript, CSS and DHTML scripts! */
<!-- Begin
function writeLayer(text) {
document.frames['myFrame'].location.href = text;
document.addrForm.location.value = text;
function setLayer(text) {
if (text.indexOf("http://",0) <= 0)
text = "http://" +text;
document.frames['myFrame'].location.href = text;
document.addrForm.location.value = text;
function onLoad(text) {
if (text != "Microsoft Internet Explorer") {
alert("netscape not supported");
return true;
// Uncomment the code below if you want restrict access to your page
//function Go()

//  End -->
<iframe src="about:blank" width=400 height=200 id=myFrame></iframe>
<form name=addrForm>
type=button value="Link" onClick="writeLayer('../')">
type=button value="Link" onClick="writeLayer('../')">
type=button value="Link" onClick="writeLayer('about:blank')">
<input type=text name=location value="Type any URL here then press Go" onFocus="this.value=''" size=35>
type=button value="Go" onClick="setLayer(document.addrForm.location.value)">

JavaScript Editor Get Advanced
JavaScript and Ajax Editor,
Validator and Debugger!

1st JavaScript Editor.

Code was highlighted by 1st JavaScript Editor (The Best JavaScript Editor!).
