Script Categories

Menus and Navigation >>> Customized Popup.

Allow your visitors to have a popup page on your site appear exactly as they want! They can customize the width, height, and placement of a popup window on your site before the window is opened.

Customize Your Popup Window!
Distance from left edge: pixels Distance from top edge: pixels Width of popup window: pixels Height of popup window: pixels

Add the below code to the <body> section of your page:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">      
/* Visit for full source code
and get more free JavaScript, CSS and DHTML scripts! */
<!-- Begin
function popupPage(l, t, w, h) {
var windowprops = "location=no,scrollbars=no,menubars=no,toolbars=no,resizable=yes" +
",left=" + l + ",top=" + t + ",width=" + w + ",height=" + h;

var URL = "";
popup =,"MenuPopup",windowprops);
//  End -->
<form name=popupform>
Customize Your Popup Window!<br>
Distance from left edge:  <input type=text name=left size=2 maxlength=4> pixels
Distance from top edge:  
<input type=text name=top size=2 maxlength=4> pixels

Width of popup window:   
<input type=text name=width size=2 maxlength=4> pixels
Height of popup window:  
<input type=text name=height size=2 maxlength=4> pixels
<input type=button value="Open the Popup!" onClick="popupPage(this.form.left.value,, this.form.width.value, this.form.height.value)">

JavaScript Editor Get Advanced
JavaScript and Ajax Editor,
Validator and Debugger!

1st JavaScript Editor.

Code was highlighted by 1st JavaScript Editor (The Best JavaScript Editor!).

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